Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Character's, Bad News

So, right now I'm reading Michal by Jill Eileen Smith. The book is part of 'The Wives of King David' series. I'm almost finish with book, but I've come to the worst part of reading (at least I think it is). And what is the worst part of reading, you may ask? well I'll tell you, its knowing that this character that you've grown to love and fill like you know so well, turns out to have the ending that you never want to happen to your favorite character in the book you're reading.

For those of you who know the story of Michal and David from the Bible then you know what I'm talking about. Well I've got four short chapters left in the book. I'll let you know soon, what the outcome of the book was. If you've never heard of this story I encourage you to go grab a bible some where and start reading it. It's a classic love story. It starts in 1 Samuel 16:23. It's a good place to start for this book series. I hope you enjoy it. Bye for now.


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