Tuesday, September 14, 2010

lost it by Kristen Tracy

So normally you'd think that starting a relationship on a lie would be a bad thing right? Antt wrong. The way Tess Whistle sees it, it's a better way to cover up just how ditsy and child-like she really is. Convincing Benjamin Easter -or better known as Ben- that she had a life threatening disease wasn't as hard as she thought it would be, all she need was a box full of apple juice and extremely small shoes.

But that wasn't even the weirdest part about this Summer. Zena Crow, Tess's best friend has been on a downward spiral since her parents split up and on top of that both of Tess's crazy religious parents seem to be going through midlife crisis. Talk about starting of the new school year, as a Junior wrong. But, Tess has an optimistic air about her and with a new guy on her arm, she feels like she's on cloud nine. Will it all work out for her in the end or will her lies finally catch up to her? Well lets just say her senior year will be a lot better that this one, or at least she hopes so.

So, this book took me a little long to read just because the first two chapters kind of dragged. But once I was past the first couple of chapters I was in it good. I thought it had a lot of good morals that were learned throughout the book. Many first, many mess ups, and many, many kiss. So I give this book a B- and a 13+ rating because of underage sex, and trust me there are quite a few romps in this book. The book has 276 pages with big font, so its a fairly easy read. Enjoy and tell me what you think. As always happy reading all!

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